Makassar people profile
The great Makassar epic folk tale "I La Galigo", tells of estranged twin sisters. It is a story of their adventures as they strive to be reunited. A similar but much greater story is still being written. It is the story of the separation of the God of the universe and the Makassar people. This story tells of a Father's love for the two million Makassar living in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. It is a unique story of how these great farming and seafaring people are estranged from the Father by the darkness of Islam and Animism. Much of the story line remains unwritten. How will the Makassar come to know of their Father's love for them?
Population: 2 million
Area: South Sulawesi
Religion: Islam
Pray: Pray that God will open the hearts of the Makassar people during this time of transition in Indonesia. Ask Him to burden churches around the world to join in prayer for the Makassar.
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Video profile:
The Makassars: In Search of a Kingdom of Honor reveals the glory of a vast kingdom which once ruled over Indonesia and most of northern Australia. Witness the present day struggle of 2 million Makassars to regain their dignity and find a kingdom that will last forever. 15 min./Product Code: MRVP (In Indonesian: MRVP-I)